
Website's editor and owner

This site is the property of its developer.

Website hosting and technical service provider

The website is hosted at Amazon Web Service (AWS). Amazon Web Services Amazon.com Legal Department 410 Terry Avenue North P.O. Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226 - USA http://aws.amazon.com

Feel3 does not control websites that are linked or connected to itself as cannot be held responsible for their content. Risks associated with the use of those websites fall solely on the user. He shall comply with their terms of service.

The general design, texts, images whether they are animated or not, sounds, crafts and all other elements present on the website are the property of the Feel3 developer.


Any reproduction or representation of this service (content, pages, scripts, etc.), in part or in totality, on whatever support, now or in the future, is strictly prohibited. Non compliance with this inderdiction constitutes a counterfeit for which both the civil and penal responsabilty of the counterfactor will be engaged. All informations contained on this service are non-binding and subject to change without notice.

Privacy and user data protection

Feel3 uses your personnal for the good administration of the offered services. By registering on the webiste, you are commiting to providing sincere and truthful informations regarding your situation. Communicating false information is against the terms of service displayed on the webiste.

You have an all-time access and correction right on all data concerning yourself in accordance with european legislation and national laws (34th article of the 06/01/1978 law).